Wall stones from Valmarg Stone

Facing the walls with natural stone will give a new, attractive appearance of your home. You can use them for external, as well as for internal cladding.

The advantages of the natural stone are the strength and the attractive appearance of this natural material. With it you will fit into the global trend for ever-greater use of natural materials for the home. The stones offered by Valmarg Stone will create a unique appearance of the walls lined with them.


Камъни за стена


Natural stone from Valmarg Stone for cladding

In the range of Valmarg Stone products you will find various kinds of natural stone for cladding:

  • polygonal tiles, which natural forms and irregular sizes will give an antique appearance of the cladding
  • cut stone, with different width and length – also brings the charm of the natural material, with several size options
  • gneiss cuttings with different sizes – a cheaper option for cladding with which you can create different figures in the cladding
  • bones for glitz masonry – also a cheap option for cladding, with an impressive result

All products are available in golden-beige and silver-gray color.


Естествен камък за облицоване

Various solutions for wall cladding

Depending on the funds you will set aside and on your preferences, you can choose different solutions for cladding.

The facing of entire walls is the most impressive. You can line the home outside, as well as the walls in a folk-style room, which you can furnish with wooden furniture in antique folk style. But if you don’t have enough money or time, you can decorate with natural stones separate elements of the interior, such as:

  • the fireplace and the part around the fireplace
  • the fireplace and the sector of the wall above it
  • the sector of the wall above the kitchen counter
  • an arch-shaped cladding over the kitchen counter
  • a separate wall in the kitchen, adding a stone countertop
  • a niche in the kitchen in which to place the sink
  • corner parts of the rooms
  • the columns in the home
  • geometric-shaped cladding of the corridor walls


Естествен камък за стена

Combinations of natural stone and other materials

The wrought iron and the wood combine perfectly with the natural stone. Especially spectacular will look the staircase with walls faced with natural stone and wrought iron railings.

The combination of wood and natural stone is always impressive – use it with cupboard shelves in the stone-lined kitchen, or with wooden elements in the stone-lined corridor. In the wall, lined with stone, leave the niche in which to place the wooden shelves.


облицоване на стени

Предимствата на облицовката на целите стени с естествен камък

Независимо кой от продуктите на Валмарг Стоун ще изберете за облицовка на целите стени на дома ви, предимствата на естествените каменни материали са еднакво важни:

  • С облицовката ще създадете впечатление за изцяло каменен, солиден зид, на евтина цена.
  • Естественият камък е издръжлив и устойчив на резки климатични промени.
  • Освен това той не е порест материал: не пропуска вода и прекалена топлина и студ.
  • Естественият камък абсорбира топлината и я отдава постепенно, което означава икономия на топлина.
  • Използвайки различните материали от гнайс за облицовка от Валмарг Стоун, ще създадете своя оригинален, неповторим дизайн.

цокъл с камъни