Increasingly, people are turning to the natural materials to bring the comfort and the charm of nature in their homes. In fact, the use of natural stones for floorings is a practice known for centuries. The stones were in abundance, but their strength has been added to the advantage of the natural stone flooring.
Modern trends in floorings – increasingly in favor of the natural stone
Natural stones are becoming more frequent choice, especially for floorings. For this, as already mentioned, contribute their natural appearance and their strength. They come from the “workshop” of nature and combine iridescent colors. The floorings built with them immediately attract the eyes. Such are the gneiss tiles and paving stones offered by Valmarg Stone, and besides, the shale stones, travertine, marble, granite and limestone.
Characteristics of the types of natural stones
- shale – they are dark in color and very resistant. They are suitable for entrances, living rooms, corridors, kitchens.
- travertine – it is a little softer than the limestone. With it you can not achieve a shiny surface, but if you prefer a matte, you will have it with travertine. One of its advantages is the variety of colors and the pleasant, softer feeling when you step on the pavement of travertine. But this material may be scratched or keeps spots. It is used for corridors, kitchens, living rooms and bathrooms.
- gneiss – that is durable and resistant material, waterproof, resistant to chemicals, fire-resistant. It is suitable for indoor and outdoor floorings.
- marble – undoubted favorite since ancient times when the marble flooring decorated palaces. This is another material susceptible to scratches and retention spots. Moreover it absorbs water – keep this quality in mind when planning outdoor flooring. But the beauty of the marble is unquestionable. Furthermore, a sealing layer may be applied, which will protect the flooring.
- granite – this is probably the hardest natural stone. It retains its glitter and does not absorb water. You can use it for external and internal floorings. It is recommended for corridors, kitchens, living rooms, baths.
- limestone – as we have noted, similar in qualities to the travertine. It often retains its streak structure and offers attractive patterns and colors. The limestone absorbs water, so it is not suitable for outdoor floorings. It is recommended for corridors, kitchens, living rooms, baths.
How much material you should prepare
It is important to provide a reserve. So there is no need to search further small amount of material if the purchased is not enough. In addition, if in the future you make some additional ornaments, the reserve material will be available.
Most wanted are polygonal tiles with natural, arbitrary shape
Most preferred for flooring are the naturally shaped tiles. Their combination contributes to the pleasant effect of flooring with combining different tiles with arbitrary shapes. You can select polygonal tiles of natural stone from Valmarg Stone. They are available in two shades – golden-beige and silver-gray.
Floorings with gneiss paving stones
Valmarg Stone offers you gneiss paving stones for floorings. They are two types – standard and round. The round ones, in ancient style, are called antique. The paving stones are also in two shades – golden-beige and silver-gray.
Gneiss paving stones do not absorb water. Another advantage is their easy arrangement in figures.