The gneiss from Ivaylovgrad is the most suitable stone for building a fireplace, barbecue or oven

The fireplace, barbeque or oven are the centerpieces of the home, backyard or garden

Creating comfort at home is much easier with the help of a brightly lit fireplace, and the smell of baked bread or grilled food cooked by your special family recipe. In order to create these essential components for your home you need to dedicate a suitable space for your fireplace or barbecue and to build some or all of the components with stone. If you use beautifully formed and placed Ivaylovgrad gneiss from Valmarg Stone – it will bring joy and spread comfort even when it is not lit.



камина с гнайс


Make your own fireplace, barbecue or oven with gneiss cladding

Your home will become even more beautiful and welcoming if you add a stone fireplace or furnace to its living room or kitchen. You can make your own design or copy the design found in the traditional Bulgarian old houses. The size depends on your needs as well as the space you have available. You can build the fireplace, barbecue or oven with stone or bricks, but to add a golden-beige or silver-grey shine to them you can use gneiss cladding from Valmarg Stone.



камък за облицовка на камина


The gneiss to use for the cladding of your fireplace, barbecue or oven

Valmarg Stone offers gneiss cuttings with different sizes and a thickness of 1 to 1.5cm.

Another suitable option are the bones for imitating glitz wallstones  – the pieces are up to 40cm long, with a thickness up to 4cm and a width of 3-5cm.  Both the cuttings and the bones are available in two beautiful hues: golden-beige and silver-grey.

For the flooring surrounding the fireplace, barbecue or oven you can use gneiss slates which are 35 or 40cm wide and various lengths. Their thickness is 3-5 cm.



гнайс за облицовка на барбекю


You can use any corner in your home or outdoor space

You can use any suitable space, corner or column to build your own original furnace or barbecue. You can even install it in the free area beneath the staircase or inside a suitable column. The stone or brick unit cladded with gneiss from Ivaylovgrad will not only serve you as a heating or cooking device but it will add a beautiful touch to your interior or outdoor space as well.



тикли за камина


The shape of the furnace

The shape of the oven and its opening depends on your preferences and taste. It can be rectangular, square, oval or other. You can decorate the oven with a line of gneiss bones around the opening.



каъни за облицовка на пещ


A place for the logs underneath the fireplace

Don’t forget to leave space underneath the fireplace for logs and wood for the fire. It is not only very comfortable but will also add a finishing tough to the beautiful design of your fireplace.

It is essential that you leave sufficient space for logs and wood but make sure you isolate it from the fireplace itself with a thick stone layer. The logs will look great even in the warm summer days and so you won’t need to move them away or store them elsewhere.


барбекю с естествен камък гнайс


Make room for the grilling tools for the barbecue

The barbecue utensils such as the skewers, tongs, spatulas, forks and others can be a beautiful accessory for the barbecue itself. You can hand them on hooks, symmetrically around the barbecue placed like decorations. At the same time they will be easy to access and use when you are grilling your favorite food as well.