Flooring for Gardens

The pave in the garden is an important element of the entire exterior of the home. The choice of suitable materials depends on the location and loading the pavement should endure.

Suitable materials for the construction of a pavement:

  • Brick- Special bricks are used for paving, that are resilient to heat, cold and goods. Due to their correct shape, they are easily installed and maintained. They can be applied on dry pavement, on sand or on concrete.
  • Colored concrete – The coloring of the concrete happens when a pigment is added to the solution during its preparation. That way, the color of the flooring can match the surrounding. Maintenance of the concrete is easy and cleaning is just by washing.
  • Gravel – It is used as a cheaper option to fill the different shapes and sizes. The advantage of this type of flooring is that it acts as a natural drainage, allowing the water to drain into the soil, without causing The only drawback is its hard maintenance – hard to clean, keep leaves and snow in winter.
  • Stone slabs – tiles – They are mounted on sand; grass can be planted at the It is necessary to use slabs of equal thickness, relative to the loading that the flooring will have to endure. The size of the plates depends on the area that will be covered – for larger areas, it is better to use tiles with larger sizes. This flooring accounts for a more aesthetically appealing type of a garden.

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  • Cut stone – Gneiss – This flooring is very durable and stable. The slabs are placed on a base of gravel, concrete and mortar. The maintenance is easy, as the cover can be impregnated and

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  • Exterior tiles – those are ready ceramic or concrete tiles, which are available in a variety of regular geometric shapes of different color and sizes.
  • Concrete pavers – they are a lighter and a cheaper material than the brick. The installation can be dry – on sand or mortar-like base.
  • Stamped concrete – after you pour the concrete, it can be stamped further in various shapes using a trowel. The patterns can resemble a path, a pavement, etc.

Ways of Putting Garden Paves

Installation on a Concrete Base

Stone flooring is installed on a concrete base, armed beforehand. The base should be well washed from dust and other particles and should remain moist. Stone tiles are glued with teracol or cement-sandy solution in a ratio of 1:2. The joints are filled with the same mixture; while the slabs are laid, in order for the distance between the joints that form to be even, pieces of plates, gneiss or wooden blocks are placed in between. Finally, the stones are cleaned with a wire brush and impregnated, for greater durability.

Installation of Dry Pavements

Usually, polygonal plates of unshaped gneiss are used on dry pavements. An important requirement is that all stones are of equal thickness. The base should be even, so it is leveled beforehand. The stones are placed on sand; a deliberate distance is left between them – the joints that later can be filled with soil and seeds of small flowers or grass.