Gneiss Curbs in the Garden

Borders in the garden are like elements, which remain hidden in the background. Because they are not considered distinct as a pond, a fountain, a waterfall or an alpine area, we can’t appreciate their contribution to the aesthetic and functional appearance of the garden.

Каменни бордюри в градината

Where Can We Build a Curb

There are few places in the garden, where placing a curb, will be a great idea. For example, you can place it near the stone path – in that way, it will perform several functions. The pavement will act as a boundary between the garden path and the flowers, planted in the garden; further, it will strengthen the edges of the flooring; finally, it will protect the pavement against soil, transferred from the garden or the grass.

You can enclose the flower garden with a border, grass, or a tree with shrubs. In that manner, the pavement can transform into a bench. There you could rest, beneath the shades of a tree and enjoy your time.

When to Place a Curb

It is best to do construct it together with the trail/s and the beds with flowers. In that manner, everything will be symmetrically done and you won’t need additional work, connected with digging again.

What Material Should the Curb be Built From

бордюр от камък

Realistically, a curb can be made from stone, metal, clay, wood, bricks, and even from perennial plants. But our article is about curbs of gneiss. For this purpose, you could use stones of varying size, shape or color. The gneiss can either be cut or uncut, even clippings can be used –please, look at all the products, offered by Valmarg Stone. If purchase more stones than you need, you could always find a practical application of the unused ones.

It is essential that the curb is combined with the other elements and is aesthetically pleasant to the eye. If it is placed near the path, it can be constructed from cut stone or stones with irregular shape. If it is situated near a tree or a flower bed, you can use plates or bones from gneiss, arranged one over the other. Arrange them, please, without  solder paste, to give the curb  a natural appearance.

бордюр от гнайс

How to Place a Curb

• If you want to create a natural look – please,  start by defining the borders of the flower beds with pegs and a string. It is essential to outline the exact borders of the beds and the paths, where you put the curs. The good outlining is a prerequisite for a good end result.

At the border between the path and the flower beds, you need to slightly dig the ground, so that the stones get partly buried. In the initial stage of the preparation, please, clear all weeds and grasses from the place, where you will place the curb; you could use, for example, suitable herbicides. Please, align the terrain and pounce gravel over the place, where the paths will be.

• Old farmyard type of curb – to give your curb the charm of old Renaissance courtyard, please, use large round stones that can be taken from a river nearby, or can be purchased from a store. Their arrangement, even in the most plain and simple manner, will only emphasize the beauty of the curb. Please, arrange them side by side or one on top of another to form a small wall. Next to this wall, please, dig a hole, few inches deep, to lay the stones in. It is better to cover the bottom with little cement and then to lay the first row of stones. Then, when placing the next set of stones, cement them first. After a while, ivy and moss can appear on the wall, which will add some romantic feeling.
изграждане на бордюр от гнайсYou can find different solutions for the construction of curbs in specialized stores. You can also consult with a landscape specialist about the size of the stones or about the other elements in the garden.