How to make stone steps in the yard

Landscaping is a task that many people start with enjoy. For others who find this very difficult, we will explain in details how to make stone steps. Materials such as Ivaylovgrad stone are mandatory to give a living and close to nature look to the whole yard.


стъпала от камък в двора


What steps should you follow to make stone steps

  • First you need to decide whether to make the steps entirely of stone, or to build concrete steps and cover them with facing stones. The cheaper option, which also gives beauty to the yard, is the second. But if you hold on to all-natural steps, blocks of natural stones are your material. 
  • Then you need to choose the right stones. For cladding we will recommend gneiss from Valmarg Stone. Gneiss is characterized by strength and beautiful surface. In addition, Ivaylovgrad gneiss material is available in two colors – golden beige and silver gray. You can choose the color that matches the color scheme in the yard. 
  • It is important to calculate how much material – natural stones or tiles – you will need. If you are going to line already built concrete steps, you will not have to buy cement and build them yet. But if you are also going to build steps, you need to calculate the amount of cement you need to provide.
  • In addition to the stone material, you must also anticipate the purchase of material for soldering the stones or for attaching the cladding to the concrete steps.
  • And the last stage is the purchase of materials, after which you can start building the steps.


каменни стъпала


Detail in the construction of steps made entirely of stone

The steps must be solid and, in addition, they must be easily accessible even by children or the elderly people. Therefore, if possible, each step should consist of only one stone. The steps should not be too high so that everyone can easily pass through them.

The width of the steps is also important. It should not be too large, unless you want to build small terraces to arrange pots and boxes with flowers or decorative items.

The steps should be slightly sloping forward to ensure better drainage of rainwater.

Even when you buy the material, you need to choose the right stones for the steps. If there are any stones in the area that you can use, with an irregular shape, this will give the steps an even more interesting look. Thus, they will fit naturally into the natural environment.


изграждането на стъпала изцяло от камък


Calculate the number of steps

Divide the length of the terrain on which you will place the steps by the preferred width. This will give you the number of steps you need to build.


гнайс за стъпала


Predicting the curve in the steps

Depending on the terrain, you may need to form a curve in the set of steps. Additional material may be required for the curve. You need to anticipate this, so it’s best to buy a little more material.


ивайловградски камък за стъпала


Preparing the base

The terrain on which you will build the steps must have drainage so that moisture does not collect. If you think that the drainage in this area is not good, you must first apply a drainage layer, such as sand. The sand layer must be well compacted. On it you can now lay the stone blocks or build the concrete steps, which you will line with gneiss from Ivaylovgrad.


Как да направим стъпала от камък

Building stone or lined with stone steps requires time, but the result is wonderful. A few steps on a slope to the barbecue, gazebo, pool or other area in the yard, or a path of many steps give the whole yard more natural charm. On both sides of the steps you can plant flowers or greenery, or decorate with figures of your choice.  


камък за стъпала