Rockery in the Garden

алпинеум от естествени камъниPossibly anyone, who has a garden or a backyard, is keen to make it appealing to the eye and enjoyable for the soul. One of the elements for achieving this is the rocky nook, or rockery, as it is called. Its location is really important, as this has an effect over the construction. The nook should not overshadow other landscape elements, but it shouldn’t be hidden either. It is recommended that the rockery is built on a natural inclination or protrusion.


Several Steps in Creating a Rockery:
• Choice of location and size
First, we should determine the most appropriate place for it in the garden. It’s not advisable to deploy the rocky nook in the middle of the garden. One of the best places is around the house or somewhere near the fence. Let’s state again that it should not stand out and overshadows other things, but it should not remain completely hidden. The size of the rock garden depends on our willingness and possibilities of the place we choose. Several square metres can be completely sufficient for creating a beautiful rocky nook.

•    Choice of stones for the Rockery

скален кът
The next important step is the choice of stones. It seems trivial but the layout is important. According to the specialists, it is better to use natural stones, which have been under the influence of the elements, the way we see them in the wild. Stones, carved from humans, reduce the desired effect.
It is not a mistake to combine stones of various rock types such as stones from the silicate and limestone cliffs. In this way, with time, you will be able to place plants there, to grow between the two types of rock.
You can also use large stones and small pieces of crushed stones – there is a huge choice of natural rock materials to pick from. It is essential, however, not to spoil the overall look of the mountain area.


 • Selection of vegetation for the rocky nook

Once we have chosen the location, size and the stones, we have to determine the vegetation, which we will plant in the rockery. It is better to choose the vegetation in such a way that will help you enjoy the rocky nook throughout the whole year. Thus, choosing a small number of evergreen plants is advisable; also, plants that grow more slowly are a great option. You should know that such plants need more soil, so that the roots can grow safely in depth and the plant can develop appropriately.

камъни в градинатаOther kinds of plants that are suitable for the rocky nook are Perennials plants – eg. Hutinia, Echinacea, etc.. Due to the fact that they grow in different seasons throughout the year, your rockery will always be tinted in different colors.
Of course, a rock nook cannot be complete without alpine flowers. They can be planted between the stones, because they quickly blossom and take over the territory around them.

It is advisable to use the help of a landscape professional to discuss the count and the places, where the different vegetation will be planted. You can also search for necessary information in the store, where you will buy the flowers. Internet also has enough information about the type of plants for rockeries  you can purchase.


This was briefly the basic information that you need to create a rock nook in the garden. We wish you success and we hope you enjoy your future rockery.