Four ideas for gneiss stone in the living room

The living room must be an embodiment of coziness, with a lot of light and natural materials, to create a nice atmosphere. The light underlines the beauty of materials like wood and stone. The wood is an ever present in the living room, material, both in the furniture and the decorations. The stone is becoming more and more preferred both for floor pavements and revetments.  And with gneiss from Valmarg Stone you will achieve a brilliant look of the living room. Especially beautiful is the revetment of the walls, with the shine of the gneiss material, in one of the color-schemes, in which it is offered – silver-grey or golden-pink. Both color-schemes are stylish and are suitable for all kinds of interior. You can easily combine them with the furniture, the curtains and the carpet.

гнайс от Валмарг Стоун



A revetment of the whole wall or only partially 

The revetment of the whole wall can be very effective, but for achieving originality you can revet parts of the walls only. Very suitable are the corners, in which you can build two vertical lines of reveting stones. Other decisions that can catch the eye are:

  • Revetment that around the fireplace, that also reaches the ceiling.
  • Revetment around a nook, in which the TV is put.
  • Revetment between separate shelves and cupboards and over them.
  • Revetment above a little table, located besides the wall, with one or two wooden shelves with decorative elements

Also many other decisions with the usage of Ivailovgrad gneiss in dependance of your opinion on what part of the living room would you like to outline.


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Lighting for outlining gneiss‘  beauty


The lighting is very important for outlining the beautiful shiny surface of the gneiss material.


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For more soft light and navigating the attention towards the whole reveted part you can leave places in the revetment for lamps,  built into it. You can place them asymethrically or arrange them into a scheme – rows,  diagonal,  rectangular,  rhomb or some other shape.

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Gneiss pavement for the floor 


The gneiss is very popular as a material for pavement has all kinds of advantages for using in the living room.  This is a material that isn’t slippery,  doesn’t hold the humidity,  lasting and using such stones for pavement can guarantee you not only an attractive floor,  but also it is a long term and lasting material.

For pavement you can use slabstones with width between 35 or 40cm and free length,  which thickness is between 3 and 5cm. Very easy for arranging is the pavement from gneiss paving-stones.  Valmarg Stone offers both classic paving-stones and such that have rounded edges,  type antique. The sizes of the paving-stones are 10x10cm and 15x15cm.

And the pavement you can outline with special ligthing – LED stripes or lamps around the walls.


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Match with stone,  wood and glass in a symphony of beauty 

With  gneiss stone from Ivailovgrad you can combine wood – shelves, dried branches, even acorns and nut-galls.  The combination, which is suitable for the place above the little table or above low tables, or above the fireplace, it can be in a shape of a tree with fruits, of scarcely located branches, or to portray a full picture. With little pebbles you can mark the lines of a little stream, and you can also use blue glass for the stream or another water creation. That way you can be the artists of beauty in the living room, which is much more satisfying from having such a composition created for you.


ивайловградски гнайс
