What Should We Know When Choosing Gneiss Stones

What Kind of Gneiss Should We Choose

облицовки с рязан камъкOur customers frequently ask what kind of gneiss is the most appropriate one for the tiling of facades, plinths, columns or floors.
Please, think about this in advance. If you go and buy gneiss from the store, without being aware of the various types that exist, you risk picking the wrong only and realizing your error only after you have already started gluing the lining or worse, after you have already installed the tiles; unfortunately, then, it will be too late.

Why is it Important to Choose the Right Stone

Choosing the right freestone is not only about quality, but also about size and roughness. Those are precisely the factors that can cause you problems, if the wrong type of stone tiles are being installed and after that.

• Low Quality

A low quality stone easily crumbles; even after its placement, it is not solid and parts of it can break off. The pallets leave off a lot of wastage– little broken pieces. When you use tools, to try to mold such a stone, to adjust its size, the stone can become wasted.

• Incorrectly selected size of the stone

If you use wrong-sized stone for the lining, you waste more time and more material, which is financially inefficient.

• Inadequate Surface of the Stone

Depending on where you are going to be installing the gneiss, it is important to know how to choose its roughness: whether it’s going to be placed on a path or on a wall, whether it is going to be at home or outdoors; these are all factors that you should consider.

What to Do Before Buying Gneiss

It would be best to consult a specialist in the field. We, the team behind Valmarg stone, have been working for years with these stones; since we not only process them, but also install them, we have an extensive experience which we share with our customers with pleasure.

Our Recommendations, Regarding the Selection of Gneiss

  • For facings

гнайс от ИвайловградWhen you want to install a smaller plinth – about 50 cm – we recommend using a cut stone with a width of 10 cm or 15 cm.  For a greater height of 50 cm or when you want to tile the whole wall – we advise you to choose a cut stone with a width of 20 cm.
Our experience shows that when you glue cut stones of 10 cm width on a facade, a plinth or a fence, the lining looks much better and appears gentler.
The rule is the following: when the amount of space that we want to tile, is less, we select stones with a smaller size, and when the area is bigger, we get larger stones.
Because of this, we recommend cut stones of 5 – 10 cm for the columns; aesthetically, it looks better. In addition, you may use small bones, which are even more pleasing to the eye, as they look like glitz masonry.
The same rule – to choose smaller-sized stones and bones – applies for interior design work, when you want to tile the living room, corridor, staircase or the fireplace.

  • For floorings

настилки от гнайсWhen looking for the right type of gneiss to install on the ground, like stone paths and other floorings, we recommend to you cut stones with a width of about 25-30 cm.
When choosing stones for tiles on the ground, make sure those stones have greater thickness to withstand the loads, for which they are intended. In addition, the stones must have one smooth side, which speaks well for their quality, as lower quality gneiss does not have a smooth surface.
The thickness of the gneiss stones that you choose, depends on the location, they will be placed upon. If you place them on a solid cement base with hydro insulation, such as the ones from company Cerezit, then the thickness of the stones can be from 2.5 to 3.0 cm.  If you place them over a sand base, the thickness of the stones should be between 3.0 to 5.0 cm.

Изпратете запитванеPlease, do not hesitate to contact us for more tips and advice before making a choice, to avoid problems in the future.