If you plan on doing some planting in your yard or garden, you can take advantage of this practical idea: constructing curbs from natural stones – gneiss – there.
The completion of this project can only take a weekend if you plan all in advance and if you have all the necessary materials.
Short stone walls are a good solution for both curbs in the garden that separate flowers from the pathways and for terracing, when the slope is not high.
Natural stone materials are the best choice when it comes to strength and aesthetics. In addition, they would fit perfectly with the stone flooring of the pathways in the garden and the stone facing of the house and the wall.
Which is the Most Suitable Stone for the Creation of a Curb?
Suitable for the construction of such walls are slabs with greater thickness – the stones for masonry which have a thickness of between 18 and 20 cm. and width of also about 20 cm.
Valmarg Stone offers gneiss in pallets or in smaller quantities, as the price is per square meter.
These stones are flat, smooth and extremely durable, which makes them really suitable for construction purposes.
Ordering the Stones
The hardest part of the project is related to the selection, ordering and transportation of the stones. When ordering from Valmarg Stone, you can get express shipments from Speedy at preferential prices and within 3 working days.
After the stones are procured, the construction of the wall is like a jigsaw puzzle.
What is Needed for the Construction of the Stone Curb?
- Stones for masonry – the quantity will depend on how long and how high the wall
will be.
- Shovel
- Felt ( optional)
How to Build a Stone Curb?
All stones should be near the place where you will construct the wall and arranged in a way, so that you can see their size and shape.
Please, outline in advance the place where you will build the curb; mark the place where the curb will be straight using taut strings with pegs.
Next, please, dig a ditch, wide enough to fit two stones. The curb should have a stable flat foundation in order to be durable.
If you are using felt, you can place a layer of gravel at the bottom and make it well-trodden by stepping on it.
Please, start building the wall by using the biggest stones at the foundation.
Then, please, try to arrange the stones by matching the ones who fit in shape and size.
You can use spirit level to track each layer becoming horizontal, without any slope.
For the top of curb, please, use the flattest and most beautiful stones, which will represent the face of your wall.
This is all and it is not hard. No mortar or other instrument except shovel is necessary. The secret is in the arrangement of the stones.