Masonry – the best stone for building

You have decided to build a wall or fence? Before choosing the perfect material for the masonry, you need to ask yourselves a few important questions if you make sure you are making the best choice.


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The main questions you should ask yourself when choosing the most suitable material

  • Which is the decisive factor for you- the price or the quality?
  • Will you will be residing the property permanently, or will it be used only from time to time, like a country house or other?
  • Will be hiring professionals for the masonry work, or will you be doing it yourself?
  • Will the wall be built entirely out of stone or will it include a cement base with stone facing?

The answers to the questions above will help you define your budget as well as take care for the natural isolation of the building especially if it will be used for permanent living. If you will not be residing the property permanently – you can save some money for this masonry project.



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The main stones suitable for masonry which are offered on the market

The main types of stones used for masonry work for walls and others are: processed and unprocessed.

Processed (Treated) stone – advantages and disadvantages

Processed stones are extracted from quarries. When they are extracted via blasting – they can develop cracks. This type of treated stones is suitable for masonry work where the quality and sturdiness of the wall is of less importance. For higher quality and more durable stones, you will need to find stones which are extracted through less invasive extraction procedures which hold lesser risk of damaging the material.

When stones are treated – they are sanded and polished, so if you are looking for masonry material which is smoother and has a mirror-like surface – this is the best choice for you.

Untreated or semi-processed stones are not merely a nostalgic flashback to the old solid stone houses

Unprocessed stones have been used for ages for building and masonry work. They are natural created and shaped, but have important qualities. They are very strong, durable and have a natural beauty which will help create a unique look for your country house, villa or permanent residence. They will endure for long and keep you happy for a lifetime.

Unprocessed stones lack equal and even edges and sides, which makes them more difficult for use when building a wall or other masonry work. This is why Valmarg Stone recommends that you choose to use semi-processed stones for masonry work.



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Semi-processed stones for strong and beautiful masonry work

The strong, insulating semi-processed stones, such as the gneiss from Valmarg Stone  – lump, split, glitz masonry materials guarantee sturdiness and solidity of the building, wall or any other type of building.

The choice of bigger sized stones is recommended because the actual building or fitting as facing is easier and the joints in between them are smaller.

Glitz masonry is a very easy method for installing facing on cement walls and creates an effect and look of a solid stone build.

Gneiss for masonry from Valmarg Stone

The Valmarg Stone gneiss is processed through cutting and hammering via machine or manually.  The gneiss offered by Valmarg Stone by standard has a width and length of about 20cm and is 18-20 cm thick. The color is golden beige.

How to test the strength of the gneiss material

Just knock on the stone. Strong and sturdy material will make a clear sound whilst with soft material will respond with a hollow sound.

Take a close look at the surface of the gneiss stones. The strong gneiss offered by Valmarg Stone has traces of slicing whilst softer gneiss lacks such traces and crumbles and breaks easily.