10 Interior Ideas for Stone Cladding

The trends in interior and exterior layout change constantly. The designs and colors and their combinations are replaced all the time. However, the appeal of natural materials is everlasting. If you select natural stones for the interior of your home, you will make an excellent choice. Stone finishes are classic and even years after installation, they look attractive.

Furthermore, they can be cleaned easily, so keeping them does not require hard work on your part. This is especially important when choosing interior finishes. This will save you both time and effort for maintenance.

Here are some ideas for spectacular interior cladding of your home:

  1. Bright colored spots are original, attractive and lift people’s mood. You can combine the stone cladding with a bright edge and place a color plate at the center, or any other bright element for creative purposes.

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  1. If you want a cheaper solution for wall cladding, you can decorate the wall simply to a certain height, for example, to the middle. That way, you will save money and you will be able to show your creative side by place decorative wood elements above the cladding such as hangers, shelves, etc. You can then place clay pottery, figures, souvenirs etc on the hangers and on the shelves.
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Източник: http://livinator.com

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Източник: http://essenziale-hd.com

  1. By combining different stones, you will achieve a more original design. Polygonal plates, plates of cut stone, gneiss and other can be combined, forming geometrical shapes, figures etc.

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  1. Certain sections of the house are especially suitable for natural stone cladding. These include the place around the fireplace, barbecue, stairs. The warmth and the romantic feelings the fire bring will be greater when they are complemented by a natural stone pavement around.

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  1. If your home is built in rustic style, it would be particularly suitable if you use large stones, complimentary to the style itself. This is also the style used by old Masons.
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Източник: http://decoholic.org

  1. If your home is created in a modern style, it is appropriate to choose regular – shaped plates of cut stone.
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Източник: https://sherimartininteriors.wordpress.com

  1. Not only the floor and walls will become more attractive with natural stone flooring. Consider also lining the ceiling in the dining room, the kitchen, and also in other rooms, if you have the means and you like the idea.

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  1. Combine the stone lining of the interior with appropriate lighting. In that manner, the natural beauty of the material will stand out more.
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Източник: http://livinator.com

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Източник: http://www.interiorish.com

  1. The combination of natural stone and elements of modern interior allows the beauty of the stone to stand out even more. The use of glass doors is an example of how modern elements can be united with natural materials to complement your interior.

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10. If the rooms in your home are large, with French windows and doors, the stone tiling will look even more harmonious, as it will be a gentle transition from natural materials in the interior to Nature.

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Източник: http://www.minimalisti.com

The installation of stone cladding in your home gives you the chance to explore your creative side. In addition to combining stone slabs in shape and size, aligning curbs at the edges of flooring, wall finishes, etc, you can arrange frieze as well by matching stone pieces of different colors and sizes.

And at the end – please, do not forget that the furniture, curtains and other elements of the interior, including the decorations, will also contribute to the creation of a common theme at your home. Please, choose them in the style in which you have already installed the cladding.

Source of images: http://livinator.com