Gneiss from Valmarg Stone – lasting, beautiful and quality stone for masonry, revetment and pavement.

The natural stones and particularly the gneiss find more and more places in our homes.

Valmarg Stone offers Ivailovgrad gneiss, which is a natural stone with big sturdiness – exceptionally suitable for masonry, revetment, pavement or decorative additions in the homes or exterior.


ивайловградски гнайс


Get familiarized with products of the firm and make use of them in your next project – new home or repairs. The materials, which Valmarg Stone obtains with its own technology, with its modern base for gneiss processing, are beautiful, long–lasting and suitable for different causes. Both shades of the materials – in the golden-beige and in the silver-grey color scheme, are universal.


Masonry stones

Those stones are most suitable for wall building. Let’s point out that here the only color scheme is golden-beige. In unison with her you can pick the color of the material for pavement, if you prefer to leave the walls unpainted.

The thickness of the stones for masonry is between 18 cm and 20 cm. The width and length are also around 20 cm, so it’s easy to arrange this wall of stone cubes.


камък за зидария


Materials, suitable for both revetment and pavement

If you are interested in materials, which you can use for the revetment of only parts of the house and outside walls and other elements, and for pavements, Valmarg Stone has very alluring offers.


  •  Polygonal stones

The unformed stone, known also as polygonal stones, is in free form, without procession. Its natural forms remind for the revetments and pavements in the old houses, in which our grand grandfathers have used the stones in the same form that they had found them in nature. You can choose between the thicknesses of 1.5 cm to 4.5 cm, depending on that, if you are going to use them for revetment, or you need thicker stones for pavement.



неоформен камък


  • The cut stones

Cut stone  is the other kind material, comfortable for arranging pavements or doing revetments on walls, as it is formed in standard sizes. Here the practicality of the rectangular forms will attract you, if you want to easily arrange the stones in particular. You can choose between two thicknesses – between 1.5 and 2.5 cm and between 2.5 and 4.5 cm.



рязан камък


Scrap and bones for revetments

Those lining materials are offered on lower prices, because of which are often preferred.  The scraps of gneiss are with free sizes, as they have compulsory one straight side, formed when the gneiss was cut, and the rest sides of the stone are unformed.  The bones of gneiss are suitable for decorative revetment of fireplaces, walls and etc. They are also suitable for glyc. Masonry, imitating fully formed by stones walls. The second variant is more inexpensive and often preferred by the clients.

The scraps are with smaller thickness – from 1 cm to 1.5 cm, and the bones – with thickness around 4 cm. The bones are long up to 40 cm and are wide between 3 cm and 5 cm.


изрезки от гнайс

Materials for pavements – paves from gneiss

Valmarg Stone offers you a choice, when offering gneiss paves, suitable for pavements, which have to bear big loads. The choice depends on the kind of the pavement, which you are planning, and how do you prefer it look like. Taking consideration of the paves being offered in style antique, with round angles, you have three variants

In paves, besides standard by form or in style antique, you can choose between a few kinds of sizes – 10×10 cm, 12×12 cm, or 15x15cm. The thickness depends on your requirements.


павета от гнайс


Connect with us and we will cover all of your requirements, as we offer optimal offer for the stone, you need.